Habitat Energy, which entered the sector in 2011, was established by its management in 2013 and provides licensed Vegetable Oil Collection and Interim Storage services authorized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey.
Habitat Energy is an authorized and licensed company that operates in compliance with the criteria set forth in the Regulation on the Control of Vegetable Waste Oils, No. 25791, issued by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey. By recycling vegetable waste oils, the company contributes to the national economy.
İlaç sanayinden ayrılıp Bitkisel Atık Yağ Toplama işine girdikten sonra HABİTAT GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM kuruldu.
İlaç sanayinden ayrılıp Bitkisel Atık Yağ Toplama işine girdikten sonra HABİTAT GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM kuruldu.
DEGAM YAĞ ve KİMYA fabrikası, Türk mühendisliği ile kuruldu.
Habitat Enerji kuruldu.
Message from the Chairman of the Board
Habitat Energy: Working for a Sustainable Future
Since the beginning of our journey in 2011, we have made significant strides in the collection of vegetable waste oils and biodiesel production. With over 150 employees, our core vision from day one has been to protect public health, support the environment in a sustainable way, and add value to the economy. We collect our energy from vegetable waste oils and work resolutely to prevent the harmful effects of used cooking oils on the environment, human health, and the economy.
Disposing of used cooking oils by pouring them down the drain, throwing them away, or using them incorrectly causes great harm not only to the environment but also to wastewater treatment and sewage systems. Therefore, we work on raising awareness and expanding collection systems to develop a culture of waste management. Because we know that:
•When 1 liter of waste oil is collected and converted into biodiesel, our country imports 1 liter less petroleum.
•This process adds value to our country and the world by turning a harmful waste into a secondary raw material that would otherwise harm the economy.
•In addition to protecting public health, it supports the reduction of the carbon footprint, protects the environment, and forms the building blocks of the circular economy.
•Moreover, we contribute to sustainable development through the employment opportunities we create.
For all these reasons, we believe that the work we do is not only an environmental duty but also a sacred mission from a social and economic perspective.
However, during the process, we realized that only 10% of the vegetable waste oils generated in Turkey are being collected. To change this reality, we have set greater goals: we have set out with a stronger mission to collect more than 90% of vegetable waste oils across Turkey.
With our experience in the industry and our commitment to high quality, we aim to become a leading brand in the collection of vegetable waste oils with an approach that exceeds European standards, not only in Turkey but also internationally. As Habitat Energy, we are determined to move forward on the path to becoming a global brand that protects nature and produces sustainable energy solutions.
With every step we take for a clean future, we continue to build a more livable world together with you.
The company's vision / Vision
Preventing the harmful effects of used frying oils on public health and the environment,
Ensuring that over 90% of vegetable waste oils are collected in Turkey.
To perform the collection of vegetable waste oils better than Europe
Habitat Energy Mission
Ensuring the recycling of used frying oils in Turkey is registered in the Integrated Environmental Information System (EÇBS).
Continuing to expand the quality service organization and mindset across Turkey.
Developing innovative solutions to align service quality with European standards.
Developing collaborations and solutions for collection organization at the household and business level.
Raising awareness and guiding waste producers and the public on this matter.
Conducting research on the topic to create a comprehensive roadmap.
The Values that Define Us
Our ISCC Certifications
ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) is a certification scheme that is globally recognized. It covers sustainable production criteria, management criteria, traceability documentation assessment, and the evaluation of greenhouse gas savings calculations.
Our Environmental License
The Environmental License is a certification issued by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey, allowing businesses engaged in waste processing activities such as collection, separation, recovery, recycling, and disposal of waste to operate. This license certifies that the company is qualified to carry out these activities.